A Day In The Life: Living In Rome As A Study Abroad Student

August 5, 2024
A pair of female JCU students exploring a historical monument while studying abroad in Italy

Studying abroad in Italy is a dream for most and a life-changing experience for successful students, but learning and living in Rome offer much more. For JCU students, Rome is not just a backdrop to their academic pursuits—it’s an integral part of their journey.

Every day in the Eternal City of Rome is a lived experience, whether engaging in stimulating classroom discussions, marveling at historical monuments, or simply enjoying a meal with friends. If you’re wondering what studying in Rome as a JCU student is like, here’s a glimpse into a typical day for a student living and studying in Rome.


Start Your Day off on the Perfect Footing

Waking up in Rome is no ordinary activity. If you’re an early riser, your waking hours will likely be soundtracked by the sound of church bells echoing through ancient cobblestone streets as the city stirs into life. For most people, a typical day starts with breakfast at a local café.

Sipping on a cappuccino and enjoying a fresh cornetto, students can practice their Italian with friendly baristas while enjoying a traditional breakfast. Rome’s sights are enchanting, but its sounds are magical.

Classes at John Cabot University begin around 9:00 AM. The campus, with its historic buildings, picturesque courtyards, and intimate classrooms, provides a unique learning environment. With courses ranging from art history and political science to international business and communications, every student can find a subject that ignites their passion. The small class sizes foster engaging discussions, but classes are frequently held on-site for a more hands-on experience while studying abroad in Italy.


A group of students studying abroad in Italy posing for a group photographClasses are often held on-site for a more hands-on experience while studying abroad in Italy.


Lunchtime and Experiential Learning Opportunities While Studying Abroad in Italy

Classes typically go on break around noon to give students a chance to grab lunch. Rome offers many dining options, from traditional trattorias to bustling food markets. Students often gather at Piazza Trilussa, a popular spot near campus, to enjoy a slice of pizza or a panino. Lunchtime at JCU is not only for refueling but also for bonding with classmates and soaking in the vibrant Roman atmosphere.

Afternoons are often reserved for hands-on learning experiences. Art history students might find themselves in the Vatican Museums, studying masterpieces up close, while political science majors could be attending a lecture by a guest speaker from the European Parliament. These experiential learning opportunities are a hallmark of the John Cabot education, where classroom knowledge is intertwined with the living history of Rome.

After classes, students have the freedom to explore Rome’s countless attractions. A visit to the Colosseum, a stroll through the Roman Forum, or a leisurely walk along the Tiber River are all within reach. Rome’s rich tapestry of history, culture, and art provides endless opportunities for exploration and inspiration.


A group of JCU students studying abroad in Italy visiting a monumentStudents have the freedom to explore the city's countless attractions while living in Rome.


Evening: Social and Cultural Immersion

Evenings in Rome are enchanting. The city lights up, and the streets fill up with music, laughter, and the aroma of Italian cuisine. Students often gather for “aperitivo,” a pre-dinner tradition involving drinks and light snacks. It’s a perfect time to relax and socialize with friends with whom you’ll form lifelong relationships.

Dinner is another highlight, with options ranging from family-run trattorias to chic modern restaurants. Whether you're looking for pasta carbonara, a seafood feast, or gelato for dessert, dining in Rome is an experience to savor.

For those who enjoy nightlife, Rome offers a variety of options, from lively bars in Trastevere to serene rooftop terraces with breathtaking views of the city. For others, the evening might end with a quiet walk back to their apartment, reflecting on the day's experiences and preparing for another exciting day living in Rome.


Do you want to study abroad in Italy?

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