Want to Study Psychology in Rome? Find Out How Studying Abroad Can Benefit You!

January 7, 2020

Studying abroad can be an incredible experience for any student. For those majoring in psychology, it can be especially fascinating, as living and studying in a foreign country forces you to confront your assumptions about human behavior. This provides an excellent opportunity to learn and grow in the field. Those wanting to study in Rome will be thrilled to learn about JCU’s new Bachelor of Arts in Psychological Science, which will be offered as of the Fall 2020 semester.

There are many reasons why studying psychology abroad is an especially fascinating experience. Here’s how studying psychological science at JCU can do wonders for your educational experience.

You’ll Gain a Greater Understanding of Other Cultures and How They Think

Studying abroad can be a great learning experience for those with an interest in how people think and behave. That’s because it allows you to challenge yourself in whole new ways and meet others undergoing similar challenges, successes, and life-changing experiences.

In addition, studying aboard exposes you to many other cultures. At JCU, for example, our student body comes from over 80 different countries, giving you the opportunity to connect with people from all over the world. Not only does studying psychology abroad improve your understanding of other cultures, but it also helps you better understand the greater nuances of how different cultures interact with one another. It can even help you see the impact your own culture has on you!


Studying psychology abroad can help you better understand the impact of cultural conditions on human behavior

The History of Psychology Has Strong Roots in Europe—Including in Italy

Anyone wanting to study psychology in Rome should know that the origins of psychology itself are largely rooted in Europe. This not only includes Ancient Greece as far back as 1550 BCE, but also Austria (where Sigmund Freud developed psychoanalysis and Freudian thinking); France (with its prominence in the field of psychopathology); Germany (where William Wundt pioneered experimental psychology); and Russia (where Pavlov conducted his famous experiment). Italy also has a hand in psychology’s development, and more specifically scientific psychology: both the anthropologist Giuseppe Sergi and philosopher Roberto Ardigò are considered to be among its pioneers. By studying in Europe, you can learn about the field on the very continent where its concepts were developed.

JCU’s psychological science program allows students to study psychology in a liberal arts environment 

Study Abroad Students Will Find JCU’s Psychological Science Program Appealing

Starting in the fall of 2020, study abroad students will be able to take a variety of new psychology courses offered through JCU’s degree program in Psychological Science. Aiming to give students a foundation of knowledge in mental processes and the behavior of groups and individuals, the program will teach students about psychology in a liberal arts environment. This will help give them the knowledge necessary to pursue further studies in psychology, as well as skills that can benefit them in various industries, such as scientific journalism, social services, and even marketing and advertising.

Do you want to study psychology in Rome?

Contact John Cabot University to find out more about our new program!

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