Your bags are packed and your flight is booked. But have you made a vision board? Vision boards have become increasingly popular over the last few years among athletes, professionals, students, and travelers—all of them using vision boards to help reach their goals.
The purpose of a vision board is that it offers a creative visual reminder of your goals every day, putting them at the top of your mind and inspiring you to work harder.
Creating a vision board for when you study abroad can help you make the most of your experience. Whether you’re focused on making long-lasting friendships, exploring Europe, or getting an incredible internship, a vision board could be the motivation you need.
How to Make a Vision Board
The first rule of making a vision board is that there are no rules! Designing a vision board is a creative process which will help you to identify your goals. You could spend anything from half an hour to a week on it before or while you study in Italy.
The first step to making a vision board is to think about what you want to get out of your summer or semester in Italy. Those few weeks or months are an excellent opportunity to meet new people, add international experience to your resume, and discover some of Europe’s best hidden gems.
You’ll need a poster board that you can easily stick or pin images to, then some photos or old magazines, quotes, paper, and pens. Vision boards should focus on feelings and emotions rather than material things, so try and envisage how you want to feel. If your focus is travel, your board may include words and quotes like ‘wanderlust’ and ‘not all those who wander are lost’ to help inspire you. You can add images of places you want to visit. Essentially, anything that inspires you to achieve your goals can be added!
Creating a vision board is a good activity to do alone or with friends to help prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the life-changing experience of studying at an American university in Rome. Seeing your vision board everyday while living and studying in Italy will remind you what you want to get out of the experience, and encourage you to go out and get it.
Celebrate Your Progress
A vision board is a physical, visual representation of your aspirations and desires. These are likely to change throughout your time living in Italy as you expand your horizons.
Just as your aspirations change, your vision board can change to. Feel free to add photos with new friends or of new places that you’ve discovered. You could also add quotes that you’ve read while studying, or places that you’ve heard about and now desperately want to visit before you leave.
Your vision board may then become a lasting memory of your time in Italy that you can keep with you when you return home.
Do you want to spend the summer at university in Italy?
Contact to John Cabot University to start your adventure!