4 Things Students Can Expect When They Move Away to Study Abroad in Italy

May 26, 2016

Studying abroad can sometimes feel like taking a big leap of faith. After all, you’ll be living and studying in a different country—maybe even on a different continent—and that comes with many changes. You’ll be away from friends and family back home, and you’ll be surrounded by a new language. But while it can be a bit nerve-wracking to take that first step and study abroad, the rewards are plentiful. You’ll get to experience a new culture, make new friends from all over the world, and build memories that will last a lifetime.

What exactly can you expect when you study abroad in Italy? Here’s a quick taste of what students can look forward to throughout their studies.

1. The Language Barrier: What Students Who Study Abroad in Italy Need to Know

By living and studying in Italy, you’ll be immersed in a new culture, and a new language. Whether you’re ordering a cappuccino at a local cafe, or meeting new friends, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to practice your Italian—if learning a new language is top on your agenda.

For many students who pursue Italian studies in Rome, being surrounded by those who speak the language can be a big bonus. This is because immersion is a top way to learn a new language quickly. But for some students, the thought of living and studying in a place where they’ll have difficulty communicating can be a source of anxiety. Fortunately, Rome is a very international city, and many locals are used to having customers who only speak English. If you arrive in Italy only knowing some Italian—or perhaps none at all—you won’t be isolated by the language barrier. And you might even come home with a few more words in your vocabolario!

2. Study Abroad Students Don’t have Trouble Staying in Touch With Friends Back Home

With the help of today’s technology, staying in touch has never been easier. Family and friends are often just a quick Skype call away.

Just make sure that you don’t spend too much time catching up on events from back home. It’s important for study abroad students to enjoy their new surroundings and take the time to make new friends too!

study abroad in Italy, john cabot university students, tips for studying abroad, students traveling around europe, international students
Study abroad students meet new friends from all over the world

3. Travel Opportunities Abound for Students at University in Italy

It can be hard to know just how many opportunities you might have to travel while you study abroad in Italy. After all, how much time could you possibly have to venture to Tuscany, see the Alps, or even travel to neighboring countries?

study abroad in Italy, john cabot university students, tips for studying abroad, students traveling around europe
JCU students travel throughout Europe while studying abroad in Italy

While your studies will be time consuming, universities like JCU carefully design schedules to leave students time to travel. For example, at JCU, students enjoy a three-day weekend, making it easier than ever to schedule a weekend trip to Naples, Florence, or any other top destination on your study abroad bucket list. Students from the United States will also be surprised to discover just how close neighboring countries are. In fact, it’s not uncommon to enjoy a weekend trip in another European country like France, England, or Germany when you study in Italy.

4. Expect the Unexpected: Study Abroad in Italy and Discover New Interests

Of course, studying abroad is all about experiencing new adventures, seeing new places, and meeting new people. Part of the thrill of studying abroad is that you get to expect the unexpected. In fact, many students discover a new passion or interest that they didn’t know they had!

As you study abroad, you might discover a new hobby, new countries you would like to visit, or even which career path you would like pursue. Whether you discover a passion for fashion at JCU’s Fashion Club, or find your career calling through an internship at a local NGO, studying abroad will likely open up new doors you never even expected. By beginning your studies with an open mind and a spirit for adventure, you’ll be ready to meet each new twist and turn that comes with living abroad.

Would you like to attend university in Italy?

Contact us to find out how you can live and study in the heart of Rome by enrolling at John Cabot University!

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