When you study marketing abroad, it’s important to think about what you want to get out of your experience. Look into how your university can develop and improve your personal goals and aspirations. Studying abroad isn’t just about what you learn in the classroom. It’s also about experiencing new things and trying to make a difference in the world around you.
At John Cabot University, you’ll have the opportunity to be part of a unique and diverse university culture. You’ll experience the wonderful city of Rome during your marketing studies as you study alongside peers from across the world who have also chosen to transform the world around them.
Read on to discover how JCU marketing students are transforming the future!
Study Marketing in Rome and Partake in JCU’s Learn-Do-Share Initiative
When you study marketing at JCU, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with real companies in the community and around the world through our Learn-Do-Share initiative. Through JCU’s Learn-DO-Share initiative, you and your fellow students will have the opportunity to tackle a real problem that a real company is facing. This can include all kinds of fascinating facets of the business world, including market research, product design, strategic planning, and social responsibility.
Students work together in groups and work hard to prepare actionable solutions, which they then present to the company. You’ll have the opportunity to solve problems and seize opportunities when you study marketing in Rome. You’ll be transforming the future of businesses as you learn valuable practical lessons.
When you study marketing in Rome, you’ll get to make a difference
JCU Students Have Helped Transform the Food Industry
When you study marketing in Italy at JCU, you’ll get to be part of a student body and faculty that takes pride in making a difference in the world. As a marketing student, you can partake in initiatives similar to the “Hospitality for the Future by John Cabot University & Antica Pesa”, which took place in 2021. Francesco Panelle, owner of the Rome and Brooklyn based Antica Pesa restaurants, joined hands with JCU students taking courses in Advertising Management, International Marketing, E-marketing, Brand Management, Public Relation Management, and Made in Italy. The goal was to come up with creative and innovative ideas, answers, and solutions that would help make restaurants more sustainable and environmentally responsible. Through this project, JCU students had the opportunity to make a difference.
Make a difference like our marketing student Virginia Corradini
You Can Transform the Future Using Sustainable Marketing
When you set foot on the John Cabot University campus, you’ll be inspired by an amazing atmosphere that helps nurture academic and personal growth. As you study marketing, you’ll learn about market dynamics and consumer behavior theories, marketing strategy scope, product and service management, communication and branding efforts, pricing decisions, and distribution/value chain/demand management.
This may help you transform the future of business as you support sustainable efforts. That’s certainly what one of our students, Virginia Corradini, was able to do. She used her marketing and branding skills to transform and support the start-up GRABees, an initiative that supports urban beekeeping in the city of Rome. It’s the first start-up in Italy to try out urban beekeeping and works closely with Rome’s Environmental Department to foster sustainability. With Virginia’s help, GRABees is looking to make a real difference—and perhaps even start a trend that could inspire others all over the world.
Would you like to study abroad in Rome?
Contact John Cabot University for more information!