Parks in Rome: Villa Borghese

August 7, 2018
Alexa Shearer
Written By
Alexa Shearer

Summers in Rome can get pretty hot. Heat is a common trait of summer pretty much everywhere, but Rome's heat can sometimes be overwhelming. Maybe it's because of the crowds of tourists, or the way the heat beats down on the cobblestone streets. Or maybe it's just because the sun seems to shine stronger and brighter in Rome, bouncing off the colorful buildings.

Yes, Rome is absolutely beautiful, rain or shine, but during the heat of July and August, it's best to find ways to occupy your time in a place that keeps you cool and relaxed. I suggest grabbing a seat under a shady tree, dipping your fingers in a trickling fountain, or taking your shoes off to feel the grass between your toes in a cool, green spot right in the middle of the city. In other words, go check out one of Rome's public parks!

Villa Borghese is not only one of Rome's gems, but it is actually one of the largest public parks in Europe. The state acquired the Borghese gardens in 1901, and they have been open to the public since 1903. The park can be compared to New York's Central Park or London's Hyde Park, and it is the perfect mix between Roman art and nature.

Villa Borghese is a simple place, perfect for relaxation and taking a break during the city's hottest months, especially during the Ferragosto period in August. Take a stroll, grab a refreshment from one of the many vendors, rent a bike or golf cart, row a boat around the lake, or just sit on a bench and reflect on your time in Rome! By visiting the park at Villa Borghese, you will have a moment to cool off, slow down, and take a break from the chaos of the city. At the end of your walk, make sure to head over to Monte Pincio and check out the view of Piazza del Popolo from above.

Summer is going by pretty fast... before you know it, you'll be picking your class schedule and buying your textbooks for the Fall semester. Before the city fills back up with students and the new school year is in full swing, take advantage of the time you have now by spending a quiet and cool afternoon in Villa Borghese. You will truly appreciate your life as a local in Rome.

Alexa Vujaklija (Shearer)
Class of 2015
Communications major
Grew up in the United States, Germany, the Republic of Georgia, Russia, and Bulgaria

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