Often times when students think about studying abroad, they question how much they can really get done 5 months. Between classes, exams, traveling and eating all the amazing food that Italy has to offer, can one really squeeze anything else in?
The answer is YES! Rome, and John Cabot University in particular, have so much to offer their student body. The great thing about studying abroad at John Cabot University is that it is an already established 4-year university as well. JCU has partnerships with numerous community service organizations and programs throughout the city, such as La Ronda della Solidarietà, where students can volunteer their time and help the homeless around Rome.
Alexandra Wurglics and William Moulder, who studied abroad at John Cabot in the Fall of 2014, took advantage of the Community Service Program at JCU. Both students were very committed to La Ronda della Solidarità and volunteered on a weekly basis helping out however they could.
This volunteering experience, as well as the Introduction to Sociology class with Professor Scribner, were life changing for Alexandra, and helped her understand she wanted to become an educator.
Both Wurglics and Moulder will be starting Master's programs in education in September to pursue their careers as teachers. Also, Alexandra will be starting a part time position with Adelphi's Center for International Education and will be promoting JCU and the benefits of Community Service to Adelphi students.
When the two students graduated in from Adelphi University in May, they wore Italian stoles to represent their eye-opening experience here at John Cabot University. It is an experience they hold close even after leaving Rome.
So to the students who are coming to study abroad at JCU, keep in mind that our Student Services office offers numerous opportunities to get involved and give back to your new Roman community. It just may end up helping you figure out your career path!
Learn more about community service at John Cabot University.