Hello! My name is Giorgio Millesimi and I am a John Cabot University student currently studying in San Diego for the Fall 2017 semester. I have always dreamed of living in California, that magic land described by so many of my idols, from Jack Kerouac in his novels to the Red Hot Chili Peppers in their songs. This is why, when I found out about the possibility of studying abroad with the John Cabot Direct Exchange Program, I was thrilled to put San Diego State University as my first choice.
I have been here for almost three weeks now, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. Needless to say, I am completely in love with this place. San Diego is a big, dynamic city, but it is not as chaotic as other major cities I have been to, including Rome, so it is very nice for a student to enjoy. The weather is perfect, making it ideal for relaxing at the beach or the pool, or just for taking a walk downtown. These first weeks have been wonderfully intense, and every single day has been an adventure. I have already made a lot of friends, and we went on a road trip to the Grand Canyon my first week here! It was amazing to go on a trip with people I had only known for three days, but that I already knew I could call friends. This is definitely a unique aspect of studying abroad: you get to meet a lot of people with whom you share a life-changing experience, and that immediately creates a strong connection.
What has really surprised me about San Diego is how big the campus university is. I had heard great things about San Diego State University before leaving Italy, but seeing it with my own eyes has been incredible. Indeed, the first day I visited the campus I couldn’t believe it was that huge! I felt like I was finally part of one of all those American movies I had watched, where young people start college and are stunned by the immensity of the campus. In fact, to be honest, I even had trouble finding my classrooms on the first few days, and I had to carry a map everywhere! I would describe San Diego State University as a small town, where you can also find restaurants and coffee bars. No wonder it takes a little bit of time to get oriented!
I am truly enjoying the classes that I am taking. We were also told that the University will be offering plenty of extracurricular activities during this semester, so I am looking forward to attending as many as I can. I get the feeling that this will be an experience full of surprises, which makes me extremely happy and eager to see what these next months will offer me.
As Mark Twain wrote, “Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” I have always found these words very inspiring, and following Mark Twain’s advice is indeed what I am doing now! If you never leave your safe harbor, you will stay the same. This is something I have always hoped for, for I love adventures and change. Let the dream begin, then!
Giorgio Millesimi
English Literature major
Class of 2019
Hometown: Rome, Italy