How Our University in Italy Supports Ethical Business Innovation

August 19, 2024
Students and a professor in a classroom

Within our increasingly globalized, consumerist society, the role of international affairs in fostering business innovation is pivotal. 

By providing a framework to address global challenges such as human rights, environmental sustainability, and equitable economic development, international affairs professionals navigate complex legal, cultural, and political contexts to promote ethical business practices. 

These specialists help shape policies that ensure companies operate fairly and sustainably, integrating ethical considerations that enhance profitability and contribute to community well-being. This interdisciplinary approach develops resilient, inclusive business models aligned with global ethical standards. 

JCU's Master of Arts in International Affairs program, which incorporates international relations, comparative politics, and international political economy, prepares graduates to effectively tackle the ethical challenges of the modern business landscape.


Leveraging Rome’s Rich Intellectual Heritage

JCU’s MA in International Affairs is uniquely situated in Rome, a city with a rich intellectual heritage. The program takes full advantage of this location, offering opportunities to engage with the city’s vibrant history and contemporary policy networks. The Center for Graduate Studies provides an inspiring backdrop for students to explore the ethical implications of business innovation.

Rome’s status as a hub for international organizations, diplomatic missions, and policy-making institutions enriches the educational experience. Students have the chance to complete internships with international institutions. This hands-on experience is invaluable in understanding the complexities of ethical business innovation and operations on a global scale.


A student completing a Master of Arts in International Affairs taking a tour with classmatesUse the wealth of knowledge offered at JCU to implement ethical business innovation practices.


Fostering Ethical Business Innovation Through Education

At John Cabot University, fostering ethical business innovation begins with a commitment to education. The MA in International Affairs program is designed to encourage students to think critically and creatively about the ethical challenges facing modern businesses. 

The curriculum includes courses in international relations, political science research methodology, and international political economy, emphasizing the importance of ethical decision-making.

Faculty members at JCU bring a wealth of experience from their work with international organizations such as the United Nations, the European Union, and various diplomatic missions. By engaging with these seasoned professionals, students gain insights into the ethical considerations that must guide business innovation in a globalized world.


The MA in International Affairs: A Pathway to Ethical Leadership

The MA in International Affairs at JCU prepares students for careers in global affairs while instilling a commitment to ethical leadership. The program’s focus on professional development, including internships and research assistantships, provides students with the practical skills to implement ethical business practices in their future careers.

Students must complete an MA thesis that addresses a policy-oriented issue, allowing them to delve deeply into a topic related to ethical business innovation. This rigorous academic exercise ensures that graduates leave the program with a thorough understanding of their field's ethical challenges and opportunities.


A trio of Master of Arts in International Affairs graduates networking at an outdoor eventPrepare for careers in ethical business leadership after a Master of Arts in International Affairs.


Join Us!

John Cabot University's MA in International Affairs program stands out for its commitment to fostering ethical business innovation. By leveraging Rome’s rich intellectual heritage and providing a comprehensive education that integrates theory and practice, JCU prepares students to navigate the ethical complexities of global business. 

Students interested in positively impacting the world through ethical leadership will find JCU’s MA program the ideal setting to develop their skills and knowledge. In addition, clubs, faculty research, and sustainable practices all help reinforce the university’s dedication to ethical business innovation, ensuring that its graduates are well-equipped to drive positive change in the international arena.


Explore our Master of Arts in International Affairs here: 

Master of Arts in International Affairs in Rome - John Cabot University


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