When you study Political Science in Rome at John Cabot University, you discover it is intricately woven with sustainability principles, preparing you to understand the world and actively improve it. Here’s why sustainability is integral to studying Political Science at JCU and how it can shape your career and global perspectives.
Sustainability Initiatives at Our University in Rome Help Prepare Students for Global Leadership
Sustainability, as defined by the Brundtland Commission of the United Nations in 1987, refers to "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
As governments and communities worldwide struggle to adapt their sustainability policies in response to developing environmental issues, the nexus between sustainability and political science has never been more critical.
The importance of sustainability in governance is gaining global recognition, and political decisions today are critically evaluated through their environmental impact. JCU prepares its political science students to be future leaders by equipping them with the knowledge and skills to navigate this complex landscape.
Graduates understand that to lead effectively, they must balance economic, social, and environmental priorities, an increasingly in-demand skill by governments, NGOs, and international bodies worldwide.
Students at our university in Rome are encouraged to investigate environmental issues.
JCU embraces a liberal arts tradition, offering a multi-disciplinary approach that enriches the study of political science with a deep understanding of sustainability. Political Science students at our university in Rome are encouraged to enroll in courses that intersect with environmental issues, such as NS 202 Global Warming, NS 230 Energy & Environment, and DJRN 380 Writing for Advocacy: Climate Crisis. This curriculum integration ensures that students learn about political theories and their practical applications in addressing some of our time's most pressing sustainability challenges.
Sustainability Initiatives Drive Engagement With Real-World Problems
Sustainability isn’t just taught in our classrooms; it’s embedded into the very fabric of the university experience at JCU. Through the Triggering Change Pitch, Political Science students are inspired and guided to engage directly with sustainability initiatives that require them to pitch solutions to real-world problems, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals like Gender Equality (SDG 5) and Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11). Participation in such programs offers immense and tangible benefits to students' personal and professional development.
It makes students more empathetic and responsible members of their immediate communities while bolstering their resumes. Perhaps more importantly, these interactions and engagements provide hands-on experience crafting and advocating for policies that could transform future societies.
Sustainability Initiatives at JCU Help Build a Community of Change-Makers
At JCU, sustainability is a community event. The university’s Sustainability Hub is a focal point where students, alumni, and faculty converge to share ideas and drive change. For political science students, this is a golden opportunity to network with leaders and experts at the forefront of sustainability.
It’s here where theory meets practice, and students can find mentors and collaborators who can help guide their careers toward making a substantive impact on public policies and governance when they study Political Science in Rome.
Sustainability initiatives at our university in Rome also take in community services.
JCU's commitment to sustainability extends to community and campus involvement. Through initiatives like the Grassroots Club, Political Science undergraduates and other students at JCU learn the value of small, seemingly mundane policies and activities that promote sustainable practices on campus and in the wider community.
By participating in efforts to evaluate and improve the university’s sustainability practices, students experience firsthand the challenges and rewards of implementing eco-friendly policies and also discover that sustainability can be achieved if everyone takes up the challenge to Be the Change.
As Professor Margaret Kneller notes, “Our long-term physical and spiritual well-being, as individuals or in groups, depends upon our harmonious interactions with all the living organisms with which we share this planet.”
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