Planning to Study Abroad in Italy? Rome’s Best Selfie Spots

July 14, 2019

Whether you are alone or with a new friend, you’re sure to find yourself snapping more than one selfie in Rome while you study abroad. The aesthetic and artistic diversity in Rome makes it a uniquely beautiful and inspiring city with a backdrop sure to add richness to your Instagram feed. Preserving memories of special places will let you keep your time abroad close to your heart throughout the rest of your academic and personal journey, re-inspiring and motivating you into the future. It’s hard to pick just a few selfie spots in the Eternal City, but here are some you might want to try.

Getting Great Shots of Landmark Buildings while you Study Abroad

Rather than snapping classic tourist photos of landmarks when you study abroad in Rome, why not go for interesting locations with an unusual perspective? To get a great photo of the Colosseum, climb the stairs that provide access from Via Nicola Salvi. These steps travel uphill away from the tourist crowds, with greenery and a beautiful view of the Colosseum, for a less overdone angle on the beautiful structure. Hit this spot around sunrise or sundown and capture the way the light dances.

A study abroad experience is for gaining new perspectives, and you can add to this by finding interesting angles on popular places. The 19th century Pincio Terrace provides a view of the city including the iconic dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. Railings allow you to safely take a selfie with the amazing skyline behind you. Beneath the terrace are gardens that you can stroll through, getting some variety for lusher, greener backdrops to add to your collection.

You’ll have no Shortage of Vibrant Street Art to Choose From

No Rome selfie collection is complete without artwork in the background, especially for art history students! Rome is a city with a wealth of art, not limited to its museums and architecture. Public art projects and the Roma Street Art maps have boosted the growing scene to make Rome a European street art destination.

You may want to check out MURo, the open-air museum of urban art. It started in the neighborhoods of Quadraro and Torpignattara and has since expanded across Rome. The pieces are community- and site-specific, so you can get an education about the different areas and identities of Rome. Street art offers beautiful selfie options, as you can choose full pieces as backgrounds or experiment with close-ups on interesting colors and textures.

Be sure to get some Fountain Poses in when you Study Abroad

Rome is the city with the most fountains in the world. You’re sure to discover your favorites when you explore the city and pair your study abroad courses with time absorbing local culture. The Trevi Fountain is a must-have action snap for your photo collection. Get close and toss a coin into the fountain over your shoulder, taking a selfie mid-toss. If the coin goes in, it’s believed you’ll be back to Rome someday.

Piazza Barberini is another great place to take watery, striking shots – in particular if you’d like a celebrity selfie with the god of the sea. It features two fountains built by 17th century sculptor and architect Bernini, with the Fontana del Tritone standing in the centre of the square. In this sculpture, dolphins support Triton as a stream of water flies out of a seashell held above his head. You can take a shot with Triton’s shell over your own head. Or duck into a corner of the square to find Fontana delle Api, featuring sculptures of bees.

Are you interested in studying at an American University in Italy?

Contact John Cabot University for more information.

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