Leadership Trends in Business Management

December 16, 2014

Deciding to enroll at an American University in Rome is a big step in the right direction for your future as a business professional. Not only will you have the opportunity to develop a second (or third) language, but you’ll also gain an insider’s view of the city’s unique international culture. As home to numerous NGOs, Inter-governmental organizations, and multinational companies, Rome is an ideal place to get a first-hand look at how globalized business is done. And if you envision yourself at the helm of your own business one day, read on to learn about the latest management trends in today’s marketplace.

The Manager-Employee Dynamic is Changing

A good manager takes the time to train his or her employees to effectively fulfill a certain role or position. A great manager, however, will take the time to build relationships with their team in order to reveal and encourage their hidden talents. This approach is called “endogenous resourcing,” and it’s gaining traction fast in the business world.

Successful managers have learned that encouraging employees to feel a sense of ownership over the business will keep them happy and motivated, which in turn supports overall productivity. One approach involves asking employees to contribute to decision-making. This demonstration of trust and respect helps employees feel like they’re part of a team, or a democracy – instead of a traditional “command-and-control” managerial strategy.

And remember, it’s not just business students who need to be mindful of managerial trends. If, for example, you’ve chosen to study art history in Italy, you may one day find yourself managing a gallery, museum, or chairing an art history department. No matter your academic path, understanding shifting workplace paradigms is a big part of preparing for your future career.

A Culture of Acceptance

If you’ve chosen to study political science in Italy, you may find yourself using those debate skills to convince a hiring manager to take on an employee who really needs a fresh start. Not traditionally considered good hiring practice, many companies are now launching “second chance” initiatives designed to help support applicants recovering from financial or health-related crises.

Giant companies, like Cascade Engineering, have already gotten on-board with the trend – Cascade has implemented a program called “Welfare to Career.” This program gives people who have been on welfare for a long time a chance to get a job and begin their financial recovery. Programs like these not only benefit the company, but also society as a whole by fostering a culture of acceptance and mutual support.

Emotion in the Workplace

Business has come a long way. There was once a time when emotions were checked at the conference room door, and it was considered unprofessional to show personal feelings. Whether your dream is to become an entrepreneur, or perhaps snag a leadership role at an existing company, know that future business leaders will want their employees to know that they’re human - and have emotions like everyone else!

Trending approaches for bringing emotion back to the workplace include encouraging honesty from employees. Leaders talk with their team about how they’re managing duties, about company efficiency, and about how things are going at home. Managers share their feelings about business performance and ask for suggestions for improvement.

Speaking to managers, a recent article in Forbes describes the trend of emotion in the workplace perfectly: “if you lead with your emotions, you’ll communicate that you expect the best not only of employees, but for employees.”

What changes would you like to see in how managers relate to employees?

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