Admissions Blog - John Cabot University

Enhance Your CV Through a Study Abroad Experience in Italy

Written by John Cabot University | March 4, 2019 9:25:15 PM Z

There is no shortage of reasons to study abroad, especially when it comes to somewhere as beautiful and culturally rich as Italy. With the opportunity to see some of the world’s greatest art and architecture, explore winding streets full of history and culture, and delight in Italy’s famous culinary offerings, it’s an experience that will likely stay with students forever, informing their understanding of the world around them for years to come.

In addition to the joy of the experience, however, studying abroad also offers a much more practical advantage for students eager to improve their employment prospects after graduation: it’s a great CV-booster.

Employers Are Looking for Independence and Adaptability

When deciding which applicant can provide the most value to their business, employers are looking for more than just “hard skills” like accounting, programming, or word processing. Although these skills are valuable, they also want to find applicants who have the personal qualities needed to thrive in their career, like independence, resilience, adaptability, and curiosity.

By showing that you’re independent, employers know that you can find your own way around new situations and won’t become over-reliant on others to help you through. Resilience, or the capacity to bounce back after unexpected setbacks, is a highly sought-after skill for employers, who want to know that you won’t let adversity drag you down, and that you can adapt to any new challenges that present themselves. Finally, a healthy sense of curiosity tells employers that you’re open to new perspectives, ideas, and opportunities.

Study Abroad Experience Shows that You Have the Qualities to Succeed

Studying abroad can help communicate to employers that you have these valuable qualities and that you’ve successfully put them to the test.

The willingness to travel, live, and study in a new country without any of the comforts of home tells employers that you’re curious, independent, and willing to take on new challenges. By sticking to it and overcoming the challenges of a study abroad program – finding your way around a new city and adjusting to an unfamiliar culture, all while making new friends and improving your Italian – you can show that you’re resilient and adaptable, as well.

For recent graduates without much high-level work experience to put on a CV, then, study abroad experiences offer the chance to show these qualities off through your choices and experiences.

A study abroad experience shows employers that you’re eager to take on new challenges

Studying in Italy Shows That You’re Comfortable Working across Cultures

A study abroad program can do more than provide a showcase for the qualities you already have, though. It can also help you build important new skills and areas of knowledge that will help your CV stand out when applying for jobs after graduation.

An increasing number of companies today work on an international scale, and even businesses located entirely within one country might have customers spread out over several continents, or might contract services to providers abroad. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected like this, having international experience has become a valuable quality for job applicants. Studying abroad at John Cabot University lets employers know that you have concrete experience communicating across cultures and languages, and are a strong applicant for any job that requires cultural sensitivity, world travel, or a general knowledge of other cultures and people – and if you take the opportunity to improve your Italian, you could open up even more global job opportunities!

Studying in Italy can give you valuable international experience for your CV

Are you interested in enhancing your CV by studying abroad in Italy?

Contact John Cabot University to learn more about how you can study abroad in Rome.