For many bright and adventurous students, being confined to choosing one academic area of focus feels simply too constricting. Although you may love your major and feel at home within the discipline, it is quite possible that your inquiring mind may seek inspiration in other subject areas. Students decide to pursue a minor for many reasons. Some want to explore a passion that seems quite opposite to their major. Others are hoping to expand their set of marketable skills. For certain students, the minor offers a chance to delve deeper into an area related to their major, enhancing their understanding of key concepts and ideas. No matter your motivation, enrolling in a minor is a great way to extend your learning without taking on an unmanageable commitment of time and energy.
Explore Your Passion
Students who choose to study in Italy are usually adventurous types, unafraid to take chances and follow their dreams. Many John Cabot students study abroad in Rome because of their love for the city’s rich offerings of art, culture, and history. They enjoy meeting Rome’s residents from around the world, and exchanging ideas with our exceptionally diverse student body. These students may well be drawn to a major in International Affairs - but find themselves haunting museums and galleries on their weekends off. They may even have an easel and paint box set up in the corner of their residence bedroom, or a sketch book stowed away in their backpack. And while the full time study of art may not be in the cards, a minor in Art History could be the perfect way to explore your passion while pursuing your degree. It’s the Renaissance ideal - combining opposites to broaden your knowledge base.
Enhance Your Skill Set
Let’s say you’re currently pursuing a major in Marketing. You are already aware that creativity and communication skills are essential for success in this field, and you would like to focus on enhancing your ability to think outside the box and write exceptional copy. A minor in Creative Writing or Communications could be the perfect solution. You will learn how to express ideas in innovative ways, polish your writing skills, and develop an editor’s eye for detail. These abilities, combined with the more strategic, practical focus of your major could make you an ideal and well-rounded candidate for jobs after graduation. With marketplace competition intensifying, honing a diverse skill set is a very smart way to stand out in your chosen field. Consider your strengths and weaknesses and select a minor that will complement your major and enhance your career prospects.
Deepen Your Subject Knowledge
For some degree-seeking and study abroad students, choosing a minor represents an opportunity to dig deeper into their major focus. For example, a student pursuing a major in International Affairs might consider a minor in History to better understand the forces that shape conflicts and guide policy. The minor in History would provide valuable background information on how different cultures approach government, resolve disputes, and conduct business. International Affairs and History are an ideal pairing for students considering careers in diplomacy, transnational corporations, NGOs or Foreign Service.
What would be your ideal major-minor match up?