Some students feel overwhelmed with the workload and responsibilities that come with a university degree, and are reluctant to take on additional challenges. But not you. You’re an adventurer who has traveled all the way to an American university in Rome in order to get the absolute most out of your college learning experience.
In fact, it’s quite likely that you seek out extra work and deeper knowledge about the courses you’re taking. You crave challenges to hold your interest and when the professor introduces a new concept, you’re probably among the first to jump in with a question. Some might label you an overachiever, but they are wrong—you’re simply a passionate student who loves to learn.
Not to worry - John Cabot University has just the kind of challenge you’re looking for. Whether you choose to study politics in Italy, or pursue art history courses in Rome, JCU welcomes you to explore the advantages of our honors program.
Intellectual Stimulation
Some students lack inspiration and motivation because their classes simply are not challenging enough. That’s where honors courses come in. These advanced classes offer students opportunities to explore their favorite subjects at a deeper, more sophisticated level. In honors courses, students get to attend fascinating seminars and explore additional material, all while developing leadership skills and reaping the benefits of independent learning.
As an honors student, you’ll be expected to maintain a certain level of independence as you pursue your more advanced coursework. You will be completing special research assignments and creative projects, and your professors won’t be hounding you down to make sure the work is being done. So, you’ll have to set your own work goals and stay on track. As a result you’ll develop certain enviable traits—like independence, responsibility, and self-discipline— that will continue to yield rewards long after graduation.
Deeper Learning
Let’s say you’ve decided to study history in Italy (a great choice, since you’ll be able to see important landmarks in person) and you want to focus in on a particular period. Typically, undergraduates explore an overview of historical periods, with limited options for delving deeper unless they specialize in graduate school. Honors history courses, however, provide plenty of opportunities to zero-in on what you’re truly passionate about. And this extra layer of learning is very useful for preparing students for an advanced degree.
In the small, specialized honors classroom, you’ll have the opportunity to build close and lasting connections with your peers and mentors. Reaching out to new people is an important part of the university experience, but at many schools, large lecture halls make meeting new friends an intimidating proposition. John Cabot University’s small classes do much to enable student dialogue and friendship but honors students have it even easier. Grouped together by subject with similarly-motivated peers, honors students have no problem finding common ground. And who knows? The networks you forge during your undergraduate degree abroad could have lasting benefits as you set forth down an exciting professional path.
What else do you think students have to gain by pursuing honors courses?