Admissions Blog - John Cabot University

Appreciating John Cabot University's Cultural Program

Written by John Cabot University | October 21, 2014 1:17:43 PM Z

Whether it’s for just a semester or the duration of their degree, students who choose to study in Italy are looking for more than a traditional university experience. They’re interested in both top-notch liberal arts training and total immersion in local culture. John Cabot students are determined to develop both their academic skills and their experience as global citizens - which means venturing off campus to local sites in Rome, exploring iconic destinations throughout Europe, and trying out Italian cultural traditions. John Cabot University’s Cultural Program helps coordinate all of these off-campus adventures - both big and small - for students who want to truly get the most out of their time in Rome.

Weekend Getaways

If you’re attending an American university in Rome, there is little doubt that you love to travel. And Rome provides an ideal home-base from which to explore historic and beautiful locations across Italy. For students who want to make the most of their free weekends without worrying about researching and arranging their own excursions, the Cultural Program is there to do the planning for you! September offered overnights in Sapri on the Cilento coast and in Tuscany, while October provides opportunities to hike in the Patrignone Forest in Abruzzo and enjoy a weekend in Campania. Keep an eye on the trips schedule for more fabulous getaways and to find out how to sign up.


Students who study abroad in Italy at John Cabot don’t have to venture far to encounter some of the world’s most famous historic landmarks. For students who would rather stay close to Rome, the Cultural Program offers a range of amazing day trips and local activities. Upcoming events include a hiking day trip to the Frasassi Caves and Valadier’s Temple - both very popular tourist destinations. The New Year will bring tours of Ancient Rome, the city center, and the neighborhood of Trastevere. And best of all, aside from a refundable deposit, these local events are free to John Cabot students! We recommend reserving your spot well in advance.

Culinary Explorations

Any visitor to Italy soon recognizes just how incredibly important food is to local culture and traditions. It’s impossible to truly absorb all that is distinctly Italian without sampling a wide variety of dishes. With this goal in mind, the Cultural Program arranges regular cooking classes and food tours for students with a passion for gastronomy. The next cooking class is coming up on October 23rd, and offers students the opportunity to create a scrumptious 3-course meal from scratch under the instruction of the brilliant chef Andrea Consoli. Ingredients are organic, techniques are authentic, and best of all - the recipes will be available for students to take with them after the class is over. It’s the perfect opportunity to take a little Italy home with you after your time in Rome has come to an end.

Have you tried a Cultural Program event yet?