Classes for the spring semester started January 13th and by now, we should all be settled into study mode. Early mornings are here once again, and with them come challenging classes, hours at the library, and those midterm exams that creep up far too quickly. With all the excitement of study abroad at John Cabot University's unique environment, a few tips may help you stay on track and be the best student you can be.
Plan Ahead
The truth is that keeping an eye on approaching academic deadlines is your best bet for avoiding unwanted stress when you study abroad in Rome. Having the foresight to plan ahead and make sure you’re prepared for when those deadlines start looming means that you won’t get buried under a pile of work at the last minute. Keep a list of all of your assignments and their due date, and be sure to have a calendar around that has the dates for all of your projects clearly marked.
Get Organized
If you have papers scattered everywhere and have to hunt around for 20 minutes to find the assignment you were working on, you will waste precious time. Getting and staying organized is the best way to ensure that you’re not going to fall behind. Buy some file folders and create your own system for organizing your work space. It doesn’t mean you have to follow other peoples’ organizational ways - you should have a system that works for you - but having a dozen sheets of paper all crumpled up and strewn around the room is not going to be good for your efficiency. If you like highlighters and color-coding, go for it! If post-it notes are your thing, great! Just find organizational tricks that help you retain information and that aren’t a chore to stick to, because you’ll be way less likely to keep up the good habit if it’s that hard to follow. If you need help, stopping by and having a chat with John Cabot University’s Advising and Academic Success Program team or the great tutors at the Writing Center is a great way to get advice on studying and staying organized.
Get a Routine Going
After getting back to university in Italy, resist the temptation to skip a class or two. It’s a bad habit to get into, and it’s best to establish a healthy routine immediately after you’re back, to ensure you stick with it. Do some studying each day to stay on top of your classes, finding a balance with your involvement in extracurricular activities. For those of you planning to travel during weekends, it is even more important to get as much done as possible during the week.
Remain focused and think positively, and you will find that it is certainly possible to keep up with your work while enjoying all the benefits that Rome and Italy have to offer.