Study Abroad Spotlight: Kajal Sahoo, Spring 2018

February 9, 2018

If you suddenly decided you were interested in a study abroad experience, so you went to your home university's study abroad office for information and discovered the application deadline was just three hours from then - would you do it?

Well, that’s exactly what I did. My decision to come to John Cabot University was an impulsive one, but I'm happy I made this decision. I have no regrets. I’ve only been in Rome for a few weeks now, but I already feel like I have learned so much and grown in ways that I would never have been able to if I were still in Oxford, Mississippi. I chose to study in Rome this semester and put my life on pause back home, so I could experience life on the other side of the world.

I had to get used to not having a dryer or central air-conditioning, not being able to read or understand the local language, and to constantly getting lost in a new city. This has made me appreciate many things about my life back home, but I also love that the way Romans live is so beautifully slow in such a fast-paced city.

John Cabot University has introduced me to some great professors who are clearly dedicated to educating the future generation of leaders, and it's evident from their teaching styles how passionate they are about their chosen career. JCU also offers so many interesting extracurricular clubs, groups, and events that sets them apart from my home university.

My Orientation leader, Federica, gave us all the warmest welcome and started off this semester with a lot of optimism and tips on how to survive in Rome and get the most out of JCU.  I’m excited to see how these next few months will go: for all the experiences waiting to happen, the memories to be made, the things I will learn and take back with me to the United States - and of course, the amazing food I will eat! I am thankful for this opportunity and for John Cabot University for making all of this excitement to bloom.

Kajal Sahoo
Accounting major
University of Mississippi - Study Abroad Spring 2018
Hometown: Brandon, Mississippi, USA

Learn more about studying abroad at John Cabot University.

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