When I was about to graduate from high school I was very unsure of what I wanted to study in college. Many of my friends chose to go to the United States or decided to stay in Ecuador to study. I wasn’t happy with either of those choices. I wanted to travel and meet people all around the world. I decided to go to Lyon, France for one year to study French, to travel and to get to know the amazing things Europe had to offer me, little did I know then that I would fall in love with the culture and the people and wouldn’t want to return home ever again. I made the decision to stay in Europe to study. Unfortunately for me my parents weren’t so pleased about that idea because they wanted me to attend to an American university, as my brother does.
When I discovered John Cabot University, I immediately decided to apply and when was I accepted I was beyond excited. I decided to visit the university with my parents during my spring break vacation. We came to Rome and I instantly knew I wanted to live here. With the amazing opportunities the university has to offer and the beautiful neighborhood of Trastevere, how could I not be eager to stay here. Somehow, the university had all I was looking for and satisfied my parents’ wishes too.
One of the best things about JCU is the amount of international students you can find. Many of my friends are Italian and from other parts of Europe. I also have many friends from all over the U.S.A., Africa and even a few from South America. During my first semester I decided to stay in the Gianicolo residence which is one of the residences of the university. It was a great experience, the installations are great and I had the best roommate who I am still very good friends with. Living in the residence is also perfect for getting to know people, especially if you’re a study abroad student or a freshman degree seeker. I am now in my second semester at JCU studying International Affairs and I couldn’t be happier. I have gotten to know amazing people and travel to several places.
It is always a challenge being somewhere you don’t know for the first time, especially when alone and when not being familiar with the language. For me, though, it turned out surprisingly easy, I made a lot of friends during orientation week and I got to know the university and the neighborhood of Trastevere in just a few days. Spanish being my first language, it was very easy for me to get to understand the Italian language in a short time because of the similarity, but either way, no matter what language you speak, it is easy to get to know it after a while if you put in the effort. Missing your hometown is always part of the ritual when moving somewhere else, and I as a Latin student, I have a special love for my country and my people. Even though I miss my friends and family I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. I was so happy about making the decision of coming to John Cabot University, after all the pizza, pasta, wine and gelato, Rome became my new home in short time.
Amanda Uribe
International Affairs Major
JCU Class of 2019
Hometown: Quito, Ecuador