Admissions Blog - John Cabot University

JCU Theater Society First Annual Show: “Some…Noises Off”

Written by John Cabot University | April 2, 2014 1:23:35 PM Z

On March 12th 2014 the members with the secretary and the president of the JCU Theater Society performed their annual first show in Aula Magna: “Some…Noises Off”, an adaptation of the acclaimed comedy written by Michael Frayn, “Noises Off”.

The show was completely organized by the members of the club, who were all passionate and committed to the world of theater.

The script of “Noises Off” was adapted by the secretary Federica Brizzi, while the costumes, settings and props were managed by Menna Mohammed, the treasurer of the society. “Some…Noises Off” was directed by Sofia Martuscelli, the president of JCU Theater Society. The cast was composed of degree-seeking students of different majors: Samantha Abear, Federica Brizzi, Antonia Di Nucci, Matteo Franzese, Sofia Martuscelli, Mateo Proietti and Corinna Rombi.

The show was a great success, the public laughed and enjoyed the performance! Definitely a great start for the JCU Theater Society!