Unlocking the Benefits of Studying Psychology at John Cabot University

September 25, 2024
A group of psychology degree students studying outside as a group

If you're pursuing a Psychology degree, studying social psychology can offer you a deeper insight into human behavior in social contexts. At John Cabot University in Rome, our Bachelor of Arts in Psychological Science lays a strong foundation for understanding individual and group behaviors and the mental processes that drive them.

One of the core courses in our program, Social Psychology, provides valuable knowledge that can benefit you personally and professionally. Here are three key advantages of studying social psychology at John Cabot University.


1. Develop a Deeper Understanding of Human Relationships

Studying social psychology allows students to delve into the complexities of human interactions and relationships. Whether you’re interested in understanding the motivations behind people's behavior in social settings, the power of influence, or why certain group dynamics develop, this field provides the tools to explore these questions scientifically.

At John Cabot University, our Social Psychology course is designed to help students think critically about how societal influences, cultural factors, and peer relations shape human behavior. This deeper understanding of how individuals behave in groups and how relationships evolve will enrich your personal life and be invaluable in any career involving working with or managing people. 

From social services to marketing, the ability to analyze group behavior and interpersonal dynamics gives you a unique edge in fields that rely on understanding people and their motivations.


A trio of psychology degree seekers exploring Rome togetherFeed your curiosity about human behavior in our psychology degree program.


2. Hone Interpersonal and Analytical Skills for Professional Success

Completing a social psychology course as part of your Psychology degree equips you with highly transferable skills relevant to numerous professional settings. The ability to analyze data, understand research methods, and assess human behavior can be applied across industries, including business, education, social work, and beyond.

Alumna Nada El Kady understands the connection between psychology and professional success. She majored in Psychological Science and minored in Business Administration. She said of her decision: “I recognized the connection between understanding human psychology and excelling as a leader, manager, or employee.”


A pair of psychology degree seekers walking around in RomeYour psychology degree will prepare you to succeed in and out of the workplace.


3. Contribute to Positive Social Change

Social psychology helps us understand individuals' behaviors and how societal issues such as prejudice, discrimination, and group conflict arise. A thorough education in social psychology can inspire students to contribute to positive social change. Whether you are drawn to careers in counseling, social work, or non-profit organizations, the insights you gain from social psychology can empower you to tackle real-world challenges and help build a more inclusive society.

At John Cabot University, we encourage students to apply their knowledge beyond the classroom. Our liberal arts curriculum emphasizes ethical thinking and civic engagement, allowing you to explore how psychological theories apply to contemporary social problems. Whether you continue your studies in psychology or expand into fields like science, journalism, education, or advocacy, the foundation in social psychology will give you the tools to effect change globally.


Why Choose John Cabot University for Your Psychology Degree?

Alongside offering a rich curriculum in psychological science, our university in Rome provides students with unique opportunities to study in an international setting. Our small class sizes allow for personalized attention from faculty, while our location in Rome opens up possibilities for cultural enrichment and global networking.

Furthermore, we are committed to making education accessible to all students. John Cabot University offers numerous merit-based Presidential Scholarships and need-based Assistance Grants, ensuring that financial barriers don’t hinder your academic journey.

When you study psychology in Rome with us, you’ll develop a deep understanding of human behavior and gain the skills necessary to succeed in various professional fields. Whether you’re driven by a passion for helping others or a desire to understand the complexities of human interaction, social psychology offers a pathway to personal growth and professional success.


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