If you’re wondering how to expand the scope of your work on an international scale while completing your Liberal Arts degree, an International Affairs minor could be the perfect specialization for your career goals. Diversify your knowledge base, gain valuable work experiences in a holistic learning environment, and gain access to a broad range of fascinating career paths when you choose to do an International Affairs minor at JCU. Keep reading to discover the career benefits of this interesting specialization.
Leverage JCU’s Prime Location to Study International Affairs in Italy
Minors are a major part of your career planning process. A minor that complements your degree well aligns with your personal interests, and opens doors in a field that fascinates you can act as a launching pad for your career. If you’re interested in a more internationally-oriented career or simply the inner workings of global affairs, take the opportunity to diversify and deepen your knowledge base and experiences in the center of Rome, the birthplace of the European Union, the historical home of cosmopolitanism, and home to multiple UN agencies and embassies.
Our Rome university is the perfect location to earn your minor
Whether you’re majoring in art history, marketing, or international business, you can benefit from a more global approach to your topic of study. We live in a world where globalization is commonplace, and employers look for workers with an understanding of global perspectives and issues. When you study at John Cabot University, leverage our prime location through connections with organizations in our vast international network, participate in our globally-oriented student-led clubs, and take in the rich cultural experiences surrounding you. This will help you access an abundance of career opportunities.
Theory and Practice Are Combined for a Holistic Learning Experience
An International Affairs minor provides a holistic learning experience that combines theory with practice. The theoretical component brings valuable historical context and structure to contemporary world politics, providing a profound understanding of the current state of international affairs and political science. Though theory is an essential part of your learning, the traditional instruction model, which typically prioritizes theory alone, has limitations regarding real workplace applications. The International Affairs minor, like our other academic programs, features a dynamic learning environment that stimulates students’ critical thinking skills. This proves to be valuable in real workplace situations.
Minor in International Affairs and gain theoretical and practical skills at our Rome university
An Interdisciplinary Focus Gives You Plenty of Career Paths to Choose From
Though it’s important to be focused during your career pursuits, when you choose to study Political Science and International Affairs in Rome, you diversify your skills and knowledge base, exposing you to different professional connections, career paths, and a competitive edge in fields related to your major area of study on account of your more globally-conscious education. Graduates with an International Affairs minor can find work in institutions involved with global governance like foreign services, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, and transnational corporations. If you’re curious about interesting international career opportunities after graduation, consider specializing in political science and international affairs.
Are you ready to study International Affairs in Italy?
Contact John Cabot University to learn how to get started.