Many university graduates look back fondly on their college years because of the strong bonds they developed with fellow students. At JCU, we strive to maximize the quality of your time with us. This involves numerous opportunities to forge strong friendships that bring you needed support, lasting memories, and plenty of fun. The student life experience at John Cabot University is designed to immerse you in various cultural activities that will open your mind to new perspectives and people in our diverse community represented by 75 different countries.
Through our student-led clubs and organizations, you can develop strong bonds with fellow JCU community members based on shared interests, the courage to get out of your comfort zone, and the pursuit of self-improvement. Read on to discover how we help you find your team in clubs.
Clubs at JCU Connect You With Those Who Share Your Interests
Student-led clubs and organizations at JCU accommodate a broad range of interests. Are you curious about various cultures? Are you passionate about addressing pressing world issues? Do you have a passion for politics? Your idea of a good time is playing board games with friends. At JCU, our clubs allow you to pursue any of these hobbies and interests with our community of highly passionate individuals. Shared interests among JCU students provide a strong foundation for fun, memorable, and meaningful friendships.
Shared interests are a strong foundation for meaningful friendships at JCU
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Explore Our Diverse Community
With over twenty different clubs and organizations to choose from, our clubs provide the perfect opportunity to step outside your comfort zone. At JCU, we understand the value of curiosity, adventure, and discovery, encouraging students to expand their horizons intellectually through travel and social contexts.
By exploring different clubs, you can embark on a journey to self-discovery that acquaints you with new interests you may have never uncovered otherwise. In addition, by experimenting with various clubs, you’ll likely meet students, perhaps completing different degrees from yours, who can introduce you to various new perspectives. The diverse community at John Cabot allows you to gain insight into different cultures and perspectives from peer groups who share your interests.
Explore new interests and meet new people in JCU clubs
Practice Essential Vocational Skills in Our Clubs
Participating in student-led clubs and organizations at our American university in Italy is the perfect opportunity to practice valuable and transferable skills. The Student Services values collaboration and allows students to follow their passions and exercise their leadership skills by starting their club. Employers want leaders, and by taking the lead in JCU clubs, you can enjoy a great competitive advantage, establishing yourself as a proactive worker. Club activities are also perfect for developing strong time management, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and conflict-resolution skills - all competencies that help you find your team at JCU and connect with others in a valuable way after graduation.
Discover more about how JCU encourages students to step outside of their comfort zones, meet new people, and immerse themselves in different cultures here:
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