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Develop Essential Soft Skills Through Study Abroad at JCU

Written by John Cabot University | September 5, 2024 10:45:28 AM Z

In today’s job market, developing soft skills like communication and adaptability is just as crucial as technical expertise. Studying abroad at John Cabot University in Rome offers a unique environment to cultivate these skills, making you a more well-rounded and competitive candidate. Discover how JCU helps you gain the soft skills that employers value.


Develop Soft Skills Like Communication for Workplace Success

Communication is one of the most valuable soft skills you can develop while studying abroad. Living in a new country and interacting with people from diverse cultural backgrounds challenges you to communicate effectively, often in a language that may not be your first. JCU students are immersed in an international environment where English is the primary language of instruction, but Italian, Spanish, French, and other languages are frequently heard in everyday interactions.

Participating in classroom discussions, group projects, and extracurricular activities within the vibrant Trastevere neighborhood allows you to refine your verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Whether ordering an espresso at a local café, negotiating prices at the Porta Portese market, or presenting a group project in class, you learn to articulate your ideas clearly.


Communication is one of the skills you’ll develop when you study abroad.


Adaptability and Flexibility

When you study abroad at JCU, you are challenged to adapt to new cultures and systems, building essential qualities like resourcefulness and open-mindedness. These experiences prepare you for the fast-paced, ever-changing work environment employers seek.

JCU alumna Elizabeth Calvin reflects, "Many students, including myself, worried about adjusting, but with free workout classes, a campus gym, and a library with a silent floor, it was easy to maintain a stable routine. This allowed me to focus on my studies while enjoying the beautiful campus and city."


When you study abroad, you step out of your comfort zone.


Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

At JCU, you’ll study alongside students from over 75 countries, providing a rich cultural exchange and learning environment. This exposure allows you better to understand different perspectives, traditions, and values. On campus and in the vibrant Trastevere, you’ll have the chance to attend cultural festivals, participate in local community projects, and engage with Rome’s diverse expatriate community.

Employers value culturally aware candidates as they are more likely to work effectively in diverse teams and communicate with clients and partners from various backgrounds. Understanding cultural nuances also enhances your ability to navigate complex social situations and fosters an inclusive workplace environment. By experiencing life abroad, you’ll learn to appreciate cultural diversity and build the interpersonal skills needed to connect with people from all walks of life.


Problem-solving and Critical Thinking

Living and studying in a foreign country often presents unique challenges that require innovative problem-solving and critical thinking. Whether figuring out how to manage a tight budget, dealing with a language barrier, or navigating public transportation in a new city, studying abroad forces you to think critically and develop soft skills and effective solutions.

The liberal arts curriculum at JCU encourages students to think creatively and approach problems from multiple perspectives. This training is invaluable in the workplace, where employers seek individuals who can analyze situations, identify potential challenges, and develop strategic solutions. The problem-solving skills you develop while studying abroad will make you a valuable asset in any job, especially in roles that require analytical thinking and decision-making.

Explore how JCU offers an unparalleled study-abroad experience here:

Study Abroad in Rome at John Cabot University


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