Summer in Rome: Along the Tiber River

July 8, 2019
Alexa Shearer
Written By
Alexa Shearer

Rome is wonderful at any time of year. There is always something to look forward to, regardless of the season. Summer in Rome happens to be particularly jam-packed with events and entertainment. Now that summer is in full swing, there are plenty of ways to spend your time.

The best part about summer is that life tends to slow down a little bit. Fall and Spring semester classes have finished, and even if you are taking Summer courses, you have more time to embrace the city around you. There are so many great ways to spend your Roman summer, such as days at the beach and endless gelato. But just around the corner from John Cabot University, there is a great summer-long event: the Lungo il Tevere (Along the Tiber River) festival.

Along The Tiber

The Lungo il Tevere festival is an annual tradition that lasts all summer long. From June until September, you will find an entire world along the banks of the Tiber River. This festival is an amazing combination of Rome's nightlife, foodie scene, and shopping. Stalls sell artwork, jewelry, and handicrafts. There are live music performances, or pop music coming from the endless restaurants, bars, dance clubs, and food stalls, set up just for the season. You can also find carnival-like games and prizes, as well as gelato stands, dessert stations, and more. There is even an open-air cinema on the Tiber Island.

Luckily for John Cabot University students, this is all located right on the JCU side of the river. Take advantage of this exciting festival and the warmer weather, and go spend your evenings along the Tiber! Meet up with your friends in the vibrant Piazza Trilussa, cross the street, and walk down the steps at Ponte Sisto, where you can start strolling, shopping, browsing, and eating.

The Summer Atmosphere

As soon as you step down along the banks of the Tiber, you will know that you have entered a completely unique atmosphere. Although it still feels like Rome with the crowds of cheerful people, delicious food, and dolce vita nightlife, you will feel something different. You will feel the Roman summer atmosphere. You will step away for a little while from the cobblestone streets, ancient monuments, and museums, and enjoy a vibrant celebration of summer--every single night.

It's no secret that Rome can get pretty hot during the summer months. But once the sun sets, it cools down just enough to be comfortable. You will enjoy a nice breeze coming from the water as you walk through the stalls or sit at a restaurant and enjoy your evening.

Get out there, and enjoy every minute of your summer in Rome!

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