Admissions Blog - John Cabot University

Student Spotlight: Katharine Campbell, Class of 2023

Written by John Cabot University | July 29, 2019 8:00:10 AM Z

Just as many miraculous events in life arise, I discovered John Cabot University by chance. Today, however, I like to see it as destiny. Some mid-August afternoon, I was absentmindedly browsing the Internet on a site called Naviance, which my high school instructed its seniors use to apply for college. I suddenly remembered a wish I’d had at 15 to go to college in Italy, a hope influenced by an amazing trip to the breathtaking country, so I decided to search for a school in Rome. Motivated by my fond memories of the country, the taste of Siena’s wine, and the sound of busy Venetian streets, I typed in those four letters, and JCU promptly appeared on the screen. My interest was piqued.

Between the rush of high school and the busyness that was often my tumultuous life, I had nearly forgotten about the girl who dreamed of Italy. To me, Italy was a magical, mythical place my family came from, and I’d always yearned to visit. But I’d forgotten my vow to return there. Maybe it was the clouds of negativity that had formed in my life after years of financial hardships and a domino effect of disappointment. But I believe I was waiting patiently for something like John Cabot University to appear and help me burst through those dark clouds of letdowns and setbacks.

A month after searching for schools, I was sitting mesmerized in a coffee shop with Francesca, a JCU Admissions Counselor. I had found myself again, I was so excited about the University, and there was no way that a black shade of pessimism could keep me from something as wonderful as my dream college experience.

Even the financial aspect of my dream took a back seat to my joy, despite the worry my old self would have been plagued with, counting numbers and stressing far into the night. I knew that somehow, it would work out; it had to. When I found out that I’d been awarded the Global Explorer Scholarship, I was at school. I was so happy, I sobbed in front of my whole English literature class before going to the hallway to call my mom. I think my parents cried harder than I did. At that moment, we all knew that I really would be buying a ticket to Rome.

I bought that ticket a few weeks ago, and I am counting the days until I become a true Global Explorer. I’m ready to take advantage of studying what I love, at the university I adore, in the heart of the Eternal City. John Cabot University is more than a college, and it offers more than a degree. The experience that awaits me is completely unique, and the diversity of the people there make it even more of a remarkable novelty. I don’t know yet exactly what being a Global Explorer is, but I imagine it means growing while remaining the same when it comes to my values and the traits that make me myself.

To say I face my departure without any nervousness would be a falsehood, but I’ve always loved a challenge. It’s destiny, after all.

Katharine Campbell
Class of 2023
Major in English Literature
Hometown: Marietta, Georgia