Hello, my name is Jean and I am 21 years old. When I first began my university career, I wanted to study computer engineering. However, after realizing that both the university I attended and the course of studies I had chosen were not the right fit for me, I decided to change both my major and my university.
Instead of spending an entire year waiting for the next semester to apply to another university, I attended an Open Day at John Cabot University to see if the American academic system could be an option for me, and if there was the chance to apply for the Spring semester. At the Open Day, I realized that John Cabot was indeed where I wanted to study. Even though most of the students attending the Open Day were interested in the Fall 2018 semester, and I was planning to start earlier, the JCU staff still helped me in every way possible.
To be honest, I was initially skeptical about starting in January instead of September, because I worried about being behind in the academic curriculum and not making friends. My doubts all faded in the first week: in my experience, the Spring semester was exactly like the Fall semester. At JCU you will be welcomed with open arms no matter when you start, not only by the university staff and faculty, but also by the students. I never had any problems adapting to my busy class schedule, as professors are willing to go the extra mile should their students need them to. If you are worried that you will be isolated and without friends, don't! Many students apply for the Spring semester, and most importantly the JCU student body is full of fun, kind, interesting students who are always ready to make a new friend. Making friends in an international environment, where people come from all over the world, is surprisingly easy since you all find common ground in sharing the life-changing experience that is coming to John Cabot University.
Getting accepted at JCU was one of the best days of my life, and attending John Cabot University is a great way to live your American dream in Rome among a community of diverse, accepting people.
Jean Obeid
International Affairs major, Entrepreneurship minor
Class of 2021
Hometown: Damascus, Syria