How to Practice Good Self-Care during Exam Season at John Cabot University

April 29, 2019

Finals season will soon be upon us, which means a flurry of study sessions, endless cups of coffee, and cramming in that last paper or two. While it’s important to set aside time to study and prepare for your exams, it’s also important to remember to care for yourself, as good self-care is a critical component of good test performance.

Exams can be stressful, but taking a few minutes out of your day can actually help you feel more refreshed and ready to overcome the next challenge. Whether you want to take a walk around the JCU campus, meet with a counselor to share your concerns, or simply take a well-deserved nap, there are plenty of ways you can practice self-care before your finals.

Making Sure to Get Enough Sleep is an Important Part of Ongoing Self-Care

It’s important to remember that sleep plays a significant role in the cognitive functions we rely on during tests and exams.

An all-nighter may seem like a good idea for getting in some extra study time, but it can be a serious battery-drain for your brain, particularly in regards to memory. A healthy amount of sleep is crucial to our memory consolidation, and it allows our brains to process all the things we’ve learned during the day, so getting a good night’s rest can actually bring quality instead of quantity to your study time. You should try to get between seven and nine hours of sleep, if possible, or at least stick to a consistent sleep schedule.

Use the Available Resources at John Cabot University to De-Stress Before Exams

Studying for exams can seem overwhelming at times, which is why JCU can connect you to the physical and mental health resources you need to make sure you care for your health and wellbeing during exam season.

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From on- and off-campus doctors to counseling services, you can find the resources you need to de-stress and stay healthy. We provide free-of-charge counseling and psychiatric services, and our team of licensed psychologists and psychiatrists are there to meet your mental health needs, especially during a straining time like finals.

Our counselors offer individual counseling appointments and weekly group sessions which focus on different topics throughout the semester, as well as a weekly mindfulness class hosted by Dr. Nicola Petrocchi. Additionally, John Cabot University has partnered with Equilibrio, a free and completely confidential English counseling service that is available 24/7 whenever you need it – all you have to do is dial the number!

Take a Break from the Books and Go for a Walk around the JCU Campus

While hitting the books for a good study session can help you prepare for your exams, regular breaks are a key part of maintaining your focus and adding a sense of balance to your workload.

One of the great benefits of attending an American college in Rome is, of course, that you’re in Rome! So instead of taking a break by scrolling through your phone, why not go outside and get a breath of fresh air? A little physical activity can break the monotony of sitting for hours at a time, and get blood flowing to your brain for a bit of supercharged study time. Whether you want to hit the JCU gym or simply take a stroll around the area taking in the picturesque views, taking a break to get active can help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the next study session.


Students can relax by taking a walk around the John Cabot campus and Trastevere neighborhood 

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