Admissions Blog - John Cabot University

Life After Graduation: Isabella Capolei, Class of 2018

Written by John Cabot University | February 15, 2019 12:13:56 PM Z

The first of many reasons that made me choose John Cabot University was the possibility to study two very different subject matters simultaneously.

I graduated from JCU with a major in Art History and a minor in Business Administration, both academic programs that today are helping shape my career path, allowing me to work in the art market world.

Soon after finishing my thesis in December 2017, I left for a 4-month internship in Hong Kong at Phillips Auction House. I applied for the position and within a month I learned that I was chosen to go live on the other side of the world to do my dream job. Living and working in Hong Kong was eye-opening, not only because it allowed me to witness the emerging art market in Asia in one of the leading auction houses in the world, but also as a life experience.

The multiculturalism I found in Asia was very enriching on a personal level. I feel proud to be able to say that my experience with different cultures truly started when I studied at JCU, a place that encourages multiculturalism and all the dialogues that derive from it. Studying in such an international environment gives you values that will help you in your career and mindset, but especially in your personal life.

In July 2018, the amazing experience I had in Hong Kong came to an end, so I moved to Paris, where I was accepted as an intern at Galerie Perrotin, the biggest French contemporary art gallery and one of the top five galleries in the world. Galerie Perrotin represents a number of international artists, from Europe and the US as well as Asia, and has galleries in New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Seoul.

I work as a gallery assistant and I mainly coordinate with two artist liaison assistants in organizing art fairs, museums loans, and gallery exhibitions. It is very interesting to apply the research tools learned during all my art history classes to my work, as research is always a big part of these kinds of jobs. I am finding particularly useful the Business Communication course I took with Professor Favorite, a class I believe everyone should take. It taught me how to “sell” my skills, but also what language has to be used in the various situations one faces in the work environment.

I would suggest to anyone who is interested in coming to John Cabot to really take the time to meet new people and build relationships. Take full advantage of what people can give you through their life histories and cultures, because nothing is more fulfilling than meeting people, especially those of different cultures or with different opinions. It might be frightening at first to leave the academic environment of the university and enter the real world, but don’t be afraid: chase your ideas, and choose a path to follow.

Read this post in Italian!

Isabella Capolei
Class of 2018
Major in Art History, Minor in Business Administration
Hometown: Rome