![John Cabot University](https://blog.johncabot.edu/hubfs/JCUCrestWhiteonBlue-1.jpg)
It's evening at John Cabot University's Guarini Campus. The sound system and microphones have been checked. Now, let the Very International People (VIP) Event begin!
President Franco Pavoncello picks up the microphone and welcomes everyone with a captivating speech on the importance of multiculturalism in the JCU community. Afterwards, the volume of the music is raised and the president of the Fashion Club, Caroline Liquit, introduces announces the multicultural fashion show, which exhibited traditional garments from all over the world. People are amazed by the colorful dresses and take many photos to capture this glamorous moment. It is important to indicate that the Director of JCU's Student Services, Pilar Murguia, modeled her marvelous dress from Bolivia.
Once the fashion show ended, the Aula Magna - John Cabot's main auditorium - became quieter, but the focus was still on the stage. Ann Sophie Adriaens, the Multicultural Club's treasurer, introduces the second part of the night: poetry readings from different cultures. Students from different clubs and organizations read the poems, putting all their passion into expressing their attachment to their cultures. After the poetry reading, the food arrives which has been catered by restaurants all over Rome specializing in preparing food from different countries such as Syria, the Philippines, Afghanistan, and many more. People jump up and run to the buffet. No food was wasted!
Finally, the DJ raises the volume of the music, and everyone starts dancing together. The DJ has prepared a playlist with songs from countries and languages all over the world.
Year after year, the VIP Event serves as an example of how people from different cultures can work together, thrive together, celebrate together, and unite under one mission: to let the multicultural spirit spark within the JCU Community.
Rajesh Cecchini
Class of 2020
Political Science Major, Communications/ Business Administration Minor
Hometown: Rome, Italy