The fall season is an exciting time for college students. Whether it's your first semester at John Cabot University or your last, the back to school buzz is undeniable. Next week as you move into your residence apartments, get your class schedules, and go through orientation, you will definitely feel a wild range of emotions. It's important to not take this wonderful time for granted. Stay in the moment and enjoy the start of a brand new chapter of your life. The best way to do so is by being intentional in the many different aspects of your college life.
Here are a few areas to focus on that will help you get the most out of your back to school experience.
Although the move-in process can be a little hectic and stressful, it can also be a lot of fun. Don't just rush through the tasks. The end of the semester--and possibly the end of your time at JCU--will be here before you know it, so enjoy it while you can. Take your time setting up your room at the Gianicolo Residence or Viale di Trastevere Apartments, or your off-campus apartment. Buy decorations and all the essentials you will need to make your space practical and cozy. A great way to be intentional is by making a list of things you need to buy during your first week for your new place. Go out and get a few items every day, and slowly but surely your dorm room or apartment will feel like home.
Chances are this week will be full of meeting new people and/or reuniting with old friends. Although you will definitely be busy, you shouldn't overlook spending time with these friends. Be open to new conversations, talk to as many people as you can, and say yes if someone asks you to hang out. Get to know someone in your orientation group. You never know, they might end up being your best friend at JCU. It might mean getting out of your comfort zone a little bit, but being friendly and open will really help you start off the new semester on the right foot.
Of course back to school is more than just dorm room decorations, and having coffee with friends. Let's not forget the academic side to this new season. A great way to be intentional about the fall semester, is by setting goals for your classes. Take a look at your class schedule a few days ahead of time. Look through your course syllabi if they are available online, and ask your peers about the course or professor. It never hurts to be prepared! Once classes start, be sure to get to know your professors. They are always a great resource to have.
Another great way to be intentional is to make a homework or reading schedule. That way you will be on top of your school work from the get-go, making it much easier to stay in a good routine throughout the semester.