The relationships you create in college will last you a lifetime. And, when you look back at your college experience, some your favorite memories will be those times spent with good friends. This is no different for those studying at John Cabot University. In fact, many students would say that their friendships made at JCU are even stronger than friendships made back home. This is due to the close-knit international community you will belong to at JCU. You will quickly create strong bonds and special ties that you will treasure throughout your university years and beyond.
You will spend time with these friends both on and off campus; exploring the eternal city, gaining knowledge of each other's cultures, and just having fun!
Here are 3 Fun Things to do with Friends in Rome:
1. Cook a Meal Together
Degree-seeking students at JCU come from all over the world, so chances are you will be making friends from other countries. One of the best ways to get to know an international friend better, is by getting to know their culture. What better way to do that than to introduce each other to your national cuisine? Cook a meal together, share family recipes, learn about each other's childhoods. And...best of all, eat together! If you really want to make a fun event out of it, you can invite a bunch of friends and classmates and have them each bring one dish from their home country.
2. Go Site-Seeing...at Night
Once you have spent a significant amount of time at John Cabot, the signature Roman sites will have already become pretty familiar to you. You will have visited all of the touristic spots and monuments, but you most likely will have done so during the day. Rome is an entirely different city at night! The crowds of tourists dwindle down, and the monuments and piazzas light up! Some areas of the city get slower and quieter, while others get more lively and vibrant as locals take to the streets with friends and family. The next time you and your friends are looking for something fun to do, you should definitely wait for the sun to go down and head out and visit your favorite Roman site. Go sit at the Trevi Fountain or walk through the Arch of Constantine as the sun goes down. Whatever you choose, it will definitely be magical.
3. Visit Another Italian City
When you earn your degree in Rome, you will have plenty of opportunities to travel all around Italy. At JCU, classes are only Monday through Thursday, so every weekend is a long weekend! Take advantage of this time, and make sure to explore the country you will call home for four years. The best way to visit a new city, is to do it with friends! So book a ticket, hop on a train and enjoy the many adventures that this lifestyle will have to offer. You and your friends will have a great time getting to know each other, while also getting to know the beautiful cities around you.