Not only is it fascinating to major in, but it can also pave the way for an exciting career! A bachelor’s degree in history can not only teach you about events of the past and how they connect to the present (especially when you study it in a city like Rome), but it also opens up doors to a number of rewarding careers. The skills you learn in your classes, such as critical thought, researching, and analytical skills, can benefit you in a number of different work environments that greatly value these traits.
Through these proficiencies, as well as further developing your sense of curiosity and communication skills, you can prepare yourself effectively for life after university. Here are some possible career paths you can pursue after getting your history degree.
One example of a great post-history career is working in the field of law. You can take what you’ve learned in your history classes with you to law school, as this field greatly values traits such as critical thinking, a thirst for knowledge, and communication and analytical skills. Getting a strong understanding of history and how legal systems have taken shape over time can serve you extremely well in this field. Having a strong sense of curiosity for why certain laws exist, when specific treaties and court rulings came into effect, and the historical context of legal events can also put you in a good position for success in this line of work. Did you know you can also minor in legal studies at John Cabot University?
There are several other fascinating lines of work you can find yourself in after you study history in Rome, such as becoming a historian, librarian, or archivist. A career in a museum could be especially interesting if you’re a history buff. For example, you could work as a museum curator, where you can manage collections of historical artifacts. Here, you’d find yourself being responsible for acquiring and collecting these artifacts, categorizing them, and putting them on display. You could also work as a museum conservator—where you’d work behind the scenes to preserve and/or restore these historical items. Learn about internship opportunities in museums through JCU's Center for Career Services.
Additionally, those studying history at John Cabot University can eventually find themselves as the teacher rather than the student. You could continue on to grad school and eventually establish a career as a professor.
This can be a common career path for history majors, as you can share the breadth of knowledge and research you acquire during your studies with students who are just as eager to learn about history as you once were. Sharing your thirst for knowledge and curiosity about how the world has shape-shifted and affects our present-day reality, and being able to confidently explain and communicate it to others in ways that are engaging and leave them wanting more, can help you thrive in the world of education.
Do you want to study at a university in Rome?
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