November 16, 2016, was Community Service Day at John Cabot University, and almost forty students participated in various service opportunities.
The morning started off with a few students donating blood inside the Fatebenfratelli hospital. The EMATOS Fidas volunteers and doctors warmly welcomed us and expressed their gratitude to the blood donors.
A group of students, led by student assistant Kiriko Mechanicus, walked over to the Casa Internazionale delle Donne at 11:30am to teach our weekly English class. At the same time, another group of creative volunteers led by Kateryna Umanets gathered in the Clubs and Organizations room to build a tree out of recycled materials. The “Giving Tree” is currently located in the Tiber Campus ground floor lobby. Anyone can stop by the tree to pick a tag with an item that they wish to donate to the less fortunate. Donations will be collected in a box in front of the Student Services Office and given out to those in need at La Ronda della Solidarietà next week.
In the afternoon, STAND and its volunteers gathered in the Clubs room to wrap seventy gifts (wool scarves, hats, and gloves) for our friends at the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center. These will be given out Friday, November 18, during our usual visit. In the evening, students gathered to watch the finalized version of the STAND documentary.
The Community Service Program is very grateful to all those who took part in Community Service Day! Those who were unable to join yesterday can still get involved by contributing to the Giving Tree.