We often think of students as the center of the university world. It is students who populate lecture halls, gather in common spaces, lead organizations, and in many ways create the culture of the school itself. And as an American university in Italy, John Cabot boasts one of the most eclectic, adventurous, and engaged student bodies out there!
But for every student who feels transformed by an inspiring lecture, challenged by a new concept, or confident to launch their career, there is an accomplished faculty member who has provided invaluable support and expert guidance along the way. John Cabot Vice President and Academic Dean, Mary Merva confirms that “faculty is the heart of a University.” At John Cabot University, our professors’ care for students and passion for continuous professional development is what sets us apart as the leading American university in Rome.
Thanks to a generous endowment from the Paul and Maxine Frohring Foundation, John Cabot has been able to support its faculty with professional development funds. A grand total of 38 professors received support to pursue research, present papers at conferences, and complete training programs. Here’s a snapshot of what our professors were up to during the 2013-14 academic year:
Representing John Cabot University Internationally
Our professors traveled the world to attend conferences and present original research, covering an impressive amount of ground. John Cabot was well represented in the US, Greece, Turkey, Poland, England, France, Jordan, and of course Italy.In addition to presenting papers, our professors participated in specialized lecture series and professional development seminars.
Contributing To the Field
University faculty members are expected to publish articles and books as well as present their research at conferences.. Study abroad and degree-seeking students may not realize that in between preparing for lectures, holding classes, and grading work, professors must carve out time for their own original contributions to the field. At JCU, Faculty Development Funds are a huge help when it comes to financing travel for research or the costs of preparing work for publication. For example, Professor Rensmann of the department of Political Science and International Affairs received funds to support the translation of his soon-to-be-published book.And Marketing faculty member, Professor Signorini received funds to complete research and interviews for the publication of his doctoral dissertation.
Bringing New Expertise Home
In order for a university to truly grow and thrive, faculty must keep their respective fingers on the pulse of cutting-edge research and emerging trends. Students enrolled in every degree program, from Economics and Finance to Humanistic Studies, benefit from well-informed and professionally engaged professors. The Faculty Development Fund helps make this possible, sending John Cabot University faculty across the globe in search of fresh new ideas to bring back home to Rome - preparing our graduates for success both in graduate programs and in their future careers.
Which faculty projects have inspired you?