I believe that in order to get an international degree, one must truly be international, and that is exactly why JCU is a perfect fit for me. I study International Affairs here with a minor in Business Administration. At JCU, I am able to meet people from such diverse cultures, and this is something that greatly enhances my studies. In international affairs, it is important that you push the envelope and learn about the dynamics of the world. Having peers with a plethora of worldly experiences has made me better able to appreciate our differences and, more importantly, enjoy our similarities.
In addition to the amazing experiences I share with my classmates and the knowledge I gain from them, the faculty at JCU are phenomenal! My professors for my political science courses all have professional experience in their fields. I have had professors who been active political candidates around the globe and who have contributed to developing foreign policies. Given that JCU is a small university with just over 1,400 students, all of the professors are happy to work one-on-one with you, and this provides an incredibly rich experience to students. My professors have always encouraged me to reach beyond my comfort zone, and this has opened my eyes to many different opportunities in my field of study. Because of this amazing experience with my professors, I discovered my passion for cyber security.
After taking a few courses in business administration for my minor, I realized the connection with professors was not only limited to the Department of Political Science and International Affairs. I experienced the same rewarding experience with my professors in the business department and was able to strive in my courses despite my lack of prior knowledge of the field. This is something you will not find at most other universities, no matter what part of the world you are in.
Studying International Affairs and Business Administration at an American university in Italy has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I know for a fact this experience is unique. Beyond the eye-opening classes, inspiring professors, and challenging curriculum, you get to live in the heart of Rome. Meanwhile, you are also surrounded by people from around the world who offer difference perspectives and encourage you to be the best you can be. For me and many others, studying International Affairs at John Cabot University is the first step toward a promising career and the beginning of a lifelong passion for the subject.
Jade Burr
International Affairs major
Class of 2021
Hometown: Monterey, California, USA