The Annual Summer School on Human Rights, which is jointly organized by John Cabot University and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, will begin its fourth installment this summer in July. The one-week intensive will take a critical look at issues of Self-Determination, Group Rights and Individual Rights.
The Summer School on Human Rights will take place the week of July 6, 2015 at JCU’s beautiful campus in the heart of Rome. Students who have chosen this summer to study abroad in Rome have a unique opportunity to attend this important event and engage with leading scholars, representatives from the UN, and experts from other participating universities.
The course is designed for university graduates in Law, Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Social Science or other relevant disciplines, and for young professionals working in governmental institutions, local authorities, international organizations or NGOs seeking to deepen their understanding of current human rights issues. Candidates must hold at least a three-year university degree issued by an internationally recognized university in one of the aforementioned areas, although applications from students who expect to graduate at the end of the 2014/2015 academic year will also be considered.
There is a special, discounted registration fee for JCU students and alumni.
Read on to find out more about which topics will be up for debate this year.
World Class Scholars Critically Examine Collective and Individual Rights
Decolonization has led to important discussions about collective rights and how they intersect with individual rights. Participants in this year’s workshop will explore this often controversial relationship in lectures by leading experts on topics like Religious liberty: individual or group right? and Migration, globalization, and recognition of individual and group rights.
Lectures will be delivered by professors from John Cabot University, esteemed representatives of other prestigious institutions around the world, as well as experts currently working in the field.
In addition to exploring the complexities of group and individual rights, the Summer School will also delve into the right to self-determination and its interpretation and application in international law.
Students enrolled in university in Italy are welcome to attend the workshop and earn a certificate in Self-Determination, Group Rights and Individual Rights - and ideal accompaniment to a degree in International Affairs, Political Science or Humanistic Studies.
The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
The United Nations established UNICRI in 1967. Its mandate is to “support countries worldwide in preventing crime and facilitating criminal justice.”
This year, it has held numerous workshops around the world, educating professionals on everything from urban security to reducing the risk of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear security threats.
UNICRI defines its goals as:
- to advance understanding of crime-related problems;
- to foster just and efficient criminal justice systems;
- to support the respect of international instruments and other standards;
- to facilitate international law enforcement cooperation and judicial assistance.
Students and professionals from all walks of academia will benefit from this year’s intensive Summer School on Human Rights. Whether you’ve chosen to study abroad in Italy to pursue your love of art, communications, business or history, graduates from every discipline can benefit from deepening their understanding of human rights laws - and the issues that impact policy on both a regional and international scale.
The registration deadline for the Summer School is coming up soon! Click here to register before June 7.
What interests you most about this year’s agenda for the Summer School on Human Rights?