Over 85 students were in attendance Wednesday, March 11 for an Oxfam benefit banquet, hosted by the Universities Fighting World Hunger (UFWH) in collaboration with the Business Club and STAND.
Downstairs in the Tiber Cafe everyone was separated into three "hunger classes": low, medium, and high. The low hunger class, making up 75% of the attendees, sat on newspapers on the floor and was allotted only one bowl of rice and one glass of still water. The high hunger class, by contrast, sat at tables and had their orders taken by the Tiber Cafe staff. They were served a three-course meal of meat, pasta, and vegetables with a choice of a variety of soft drinks. The medium hunger class also ate at tables, but they had to retrieve their own food, rice and beans, from the counter.
President Pavoncello and Dean Merva welcomed everyone and introduced the representative from Oxfam, Federico Spadini. All three were presented with gifts, and UFWH was able to present Oxfam with a generous donation of over 415 Euros, thanks to the contributions of students, staff, and faculty.
Overall, the event was a great success, educating the attendees about the physical and social effects of hunger. UFWH hopes to continue hosting such events to raise awareness of global hunger.