Why did you choose John Cabot University?
Out of all the countries that I have had the privilege to live in, none of them felt like home as much as Rome did. Being located in the heart of Rome, JCU had this attractive location factor that allowed me to experience both an American college environment as well as the traditional Roman lifestyle. I was also very pleased to be awarded the Presidential Scholarship that significantly helped me financially. Finally, since I am in love with the international world, I could not help being attracted to the strong international community JCU has created and proudly held.
How have you gotten involved with the JCU community? Could you share a particular experience or a fond memory you have of your time here?
Since the very beginning I have been an active student in the JCU community. I started by getting involved in clubs such as the Business Club and STAND. In fact, I have been given the honor to be the President of the Business Club during my senior year. I was also part of the JCU Gladiators soccer team during my freshman year, which helped me meet the friends that I have kept throughout my college experience. Lastly, I have tried to participate to as many events as possible within the university, such as the VIP event organized by the Multicultural Club. I have very good memories of this particular event because it really brings students close to one another by sharing their cultural traditions, food, and music. The event is always very fun and culturally interesting, but most importantly everyone that attends shares the common goal of wanting to meet new people and have a good time with their peers.
What are your plans after graduation?
My current plans for after graduation are to continue my education. I have applied to masters programs in Management both in the UK and in Sweden. I am not sure yet which one I will choose, but I am sure that I will be leaving Italy for a couple of years. During my masters year I would like to find a part time job so that I can start acquiring some working experience that will begin my preparation to confront the real business world.
Describe in three words what JCU is and has been for you…
- International
- Unique
- Home
What advice would you give to students attending or considering JCU?
My advice to the attending students is to feel more appreciative of what JCU has to offer. It isn’t easy to find a university like JCU with such a strong international environment. JCU surely has its flaws, as any other university, but learn to see past them because on the day you graduate you will reflect on the preparation JCU has given you, and you will realize that things were not as difficult as you thought.
Alessandro Fubelli
JCU Class of 2015
Major: International Business
Minor: International Affairs
Hometown: Rome, Italy