Going to university is an opportunity to expand your knowledge and to grow--not only as an academic but also as a well rounded person. The professors you will have during your college experience are a huge part of this! Luckily, here at John Cabot University, we have an impressive faculty that is beyond talented and helpful.
Whether you study Communications, Italian Studies, or any of our other amazing majors, the faculty here at JCU is here to support you and make your undergraduate experience one that will prepare you for your best future.
What makes JCU professors special?
Here are the main things you need to about JCU professors that makes them so special:
- They're active in their fields
- They emphasize class engagement
- They want you to be prepared for a career
- They are here for you
The faculty at JCU come from a variety of backgrounds. Ranging from our communications professors doing field work abroad for a national Italian broadcasting company, to our psychology professors curating new ways to evaluate children's behavior in the courtroom, the fact is, our professors are actively involved in their fields and provide an educational experience that cannot be compared to most university experiences regardless of where they are in the world.
For example, Professor Paola Castelli teaches psychology courses at JCU. She is an active researcher and allows her students' input to be a part of the research process. This kind of engagement between students and professors is something that happens quite often at JCU! While the University also offers other ways to be involved academically, like being a research assistant or doing for-credit internships, these kinds of opportunities happen all the time just in the regular classroom.
What are the classes like?
The class sizes at JCU are smaller than your average college or university in the United States. Our student to professor ratio is 15:1. This allows for a much more intimate relationship between students and their professors. What I mean is, you have more one-on-one time with them. This allows for a more enriching and individualized learning experience.
John Cabot professors go out of their way to make sure that their students aren't just a name on a roster. They make certain that each student is following along, and if you need help understanding something, the professor is able to directly explain in class or during their office hours.
My best memory of one such experience was during the course "War, Terrorism, and Violence in Visual Culture" with Professor Donatella Della Ratta. We would have discussion-based lectures, and these allowed us as a class to fully connect with the reading material and thus apply the concepts we were learning to current real-world situations. I find this truly unique about the JCU experience.
What happens after JCU?
It can be nerve-racking to think about what to do after graduating. Do I get a master's degree? Do I immediately look for a job? Where do I begin? Thankfully, the professors at JCU are thinking about your future, too, and that's why they want to give you everything they can to ensure that you are prepared for after you graduate.
There are also many opportunities to gain experience outside of the classroom in Rome. For me, one of the most life-changing experiences was talking to Professor Michael Driessen. He reminded me that our interests change throughout our lives and that we should take every opportunity we get, regardless of it perfectly matching the "grand plan" we have made for ourselves. His advice encouraged me to apply to an internship in cyber security, and that is how I discovered my passion for the topic.
There for you every step of the way
All of the professors at JCU choose to work here because of the type of students that study here. JCU students are naturally fearless, extremely curious about the world, and absolutely passionate about the things they do. No matter what you major in, your college experience at JCU will be unforgettable. The professors here are ready to help prepare you for the future you desire. If you do decide to earn your bachelor's degree in Rome, you can be sure that your professors will be there for you every step of the way.
Jade is one of John Cabot University’s Student Ambassadors. Schedule a call or send an email to studentambassadors@johncabot.edu if you would like to get in touch with a Student Ambassador to learn more about JCU from a student’s perspective and ask questions about the degree program you’re interested in, JCU student life, housing, career services, and much more!
Jade Burr
International Affairs major
Class of 2021
Hometown: Monterey, California, USA