Filled with beautiful cities, museums, ancient ruins, breathtaking mountains, beaches, and natural scenery, Italy is a popular destination for those looking for cultural activities and adventures. In fact, there are so many things to see and places to be that it can become overwhelming just to try and plan a trip! At John Cabot University in Rome, we want our students to be able to visit and experience all the best parts of Italy, which is why cultural trips and activities are organized each summer for those who are interested.
If you’re a JCU student or are studying abroad, the trips we have coming up this summer are a great opportunity to build your cultural awareness and become more connected to the country you’re calling home for a few years or months. Below, discover four different cultural trips that you can enjoy while you attend school at our university in Rome.
Enjoy Sampling the Wines of Italy
Italy is known for its good wine, and at JCU, we offer our students the chance to try authentic Italian wine. This summer, JCU is hosting a day trip to Castelli Romani, one of Rome's most romantic wine-producing towns. Castelli Romani has multiple cantinas where visitors can sit and enjoy their delicious wine. For 70 euros, students have access to transportation, as well as a guided tour of Frascati, the town where the winery is located. The trip also includes wine tasting at one of the most ancient wine tavernas in the area, a light lunch, and a quick stop at Castel Gandolfo, another town. Complete with a local tour guide, students won’t miss out on any interesting cultural knowledge during this trip.
Get to taste various wines and their different palettes
Enjoy a Night at the Opera While You Study Abroad in Italy
While attending school in Rome, you’ll have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a live opera in the country within which it originated. An opera is a form of theater, in which singers and their dramatic representation of music create a play. Opera was born in Italy around the year 1600, and it has played a role in the country’s culture ever since. As a JCU student, you can participate in a trip to see “The Mass” by Leonard Bernstein. Students can expect a mix of rock, blues, and jazz with a pinch of ballet, as is a signature of Bernstein’s style.
Meditate at the Botanical Garden
While you study abroad in Italy and adjust to life in a foreign country, you’ll learn a lot about yourself, in addition to developing your confidence and sense of independence. To help students through this journey, JCU organizes a summer meditation session for students at the Botanical Gardens. During this meditation session, students can practice their breathwork, learn about the different chakras and connect with their inner selves. If you’ve been seeking some grounding energy and relaxation during your time studying abroad in Italy, this could be the activity for you.
Enjoy the peacefulness of the botanical gardens when you study abroad in Italy
Discover the Beauty of Ninfa and Sermoneta
Students who attend JCU will have the opportunity to visit the beautiful garden of Ninfa. The garden was built on the ruins of the town of Ninfa, located in the Pontine Marshes. Included in the trip is the transportation to and from Ninfa and Sermoneta, a guided tour of the gardens, a tour of the Sermoneta Castle, tickets to the entrances, and lunch, for 70 euros. If you’re interested in learning more about ancient Rome, Roman architecture, and historical Roman society, you’ll want to take advantage of this opportunity this summer.
Are you interested in attending a Rome university?
Check out John Cabot University today!