3 Ways Our Advising Program Supports International Students in Italy

August 26, 2022
Student advising

The life of a college student isn’t always easy, and at John Cabot University in Rome, Italy, international students also take on the exciting challenge of learning how to live in an entirely new country. Keeping up with coursework, getting good grades, practicing self-care, and adjusting to Italian culture are all common concerns for students; however, they don’t need to take on the challenge of balancing their responsibilities alone. As a future JCU student, making the most of your time at school will become much easier with access to the right resources, such as those provided by the Advising and Academic Success Program


Available to all students, whether studying abroad or degree-seeking, the AASP provides workshops, presentations, and individual or small group meetings to help students build key learning skills or gain advice. Including the University’s Tutoring Centers, the Library, and Counseling, the AASP’s mission is to support international students in Italy. Below, discover three ways that it does so.


Improve Your Language or Math Skills

The AASP’s Tutoring Centers are one of its most widely used resources. The Tutoring Centers include services for subjects including Math, English, and Foreign Languages (Italian, Spanish, French, and German). These sessions are free of charge and may include either individual or group tutoring approaches, with the opportunity to schedule online sessions for improved flexibility. For international students in Italy who are struggling with a particular course, tutoring is a great way to hone in on areas of improvement, gain personalized feedback and develop a plan of action to achieve success. The centers also hold various workshops throughout the semester as a way for students to access useful information and learning tips.


Aug 23 JCU

With advising, gain access to tutoring sessions in a number of different subject areas

Access the JCU Library and Resources

Throughout your time at JCU as an international student, it’s likely that you’ll need to access the library in order to conduct research for a course, check out a book, or access electronic databases. However, navigating the library’s unique organizational systems can be challenging without the right guidance. With support from the AASP, students at JCU can explain their needs and goals to staff, who will then assist in identifying and locating the right periodicals, books, or databases. Additionally, AASP staff can help students to find what they’re looking for within the Library Portal, which contains various reference tools, online documents, and audiovisual resources.


Aug 23 international students in italy

With the help of Advising, you can make the most out of the JCU library


Receive Counseling for Mental Health and Wellbeing

If you’re struggling with mental health or another issue affecting your well-being as a JCU student, AASP is also a resource to help you through challenging times. The Counseling Service is free and confidential, and the JCU office of Health and Wellbeing works to ensure that students are connected to the resources they need to succeed, both personally and academically. A team of professionals at JCU is always available to discuss students’ needs and concerns and form a plan of action to improve their wellbeing. During your time at JCU, you can choose to make an appointment with a counselor or a psychiatrist if you’re in need of extra support. 



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