Minoring in Art and Design can complement and enrich any academic program that you choose to study at John Cabot University. Art promotes creativity and allows for free expression. It also offers historical context to the human experience and stimulates meaningful discussions about society from a variety of perspectives. Our minor in Art and Design offers many avenues to develop the skills artistic practice bestows and apply them to multiple areas of life. These are just three skills you can expect to gain when minoring in art at JCU.
1. Minoring in Art and Design at JCU Enriches Imaginative Thinking
Imaginative thinking, in many ways, has built the backbone of modern society. It’s through our ability to conceptualize, invent, and create that we’ve gotten this far as a collective. As we strive to solve the big issues of our day, these abilities remain extremely important. You will develop your capacity for visual thinking by dreaming up projects in a variety of mediums, including drawing, graphic design, painting, photography, print-making, sculpture, textiles, and video art. This skill will enhance your studies in several different subjects, including marketing, business, media, and any other field requiring innovation and creativity.
The minor in Art and Design at JCU fosters imaginative thinking, which can benefit you in many areas of life
2. You’ll Develop Practical Artistic Skills in This Program
By taking a minor in Art and Design at JCU, in addition to an understanding of artistic thought, you will benefit from lessons in artistic practice. You will finish your minor with a well-versed set of traditional, contemporary, and digital art skills, which comes in handy in any field where design is involved. You will be encouraged to use materials to combine theory with practice and create visually interesting pieces in your own artistic style.
Italian architecture will get your artistic juices flowing when you study Art and Design at JCU
3. A Minor in Art and Design Enhances Project Development Skills
Those pursuing studies at our American university in Rome come from all sorts of academic backgrounds, most of which require project planning and development. When you complete your minor in Art and Design, you will have a profound understanding of project development, from the conception of your ideas to the execution of your plan. You will learn the principles of experimentation, developing your ability to exchange ideas and discover creative solutions.
No matter what discipline you intend to pursue alongside your minor in Art and Design, the skills you learn by imagining, planning, and executing exciting artistic projects will enrich your education and equip you with the tools you need to be a great leader and valuable team member in any workplace. Our intimate learning environment will foster the sort of discussion that encourages inspiration, which you can make use of while you create meaningful art, or in any of your other courses. Surely, walking in the streets of Rome with its rich artistic history will stimulate your artistic musings, even more, making our campus the best place to study the principles of art and develop many skills along the way.
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